Peters Professional® with black Iron

Keep Iron available to the plants in all conditions.

Peters Professional® Petunia Special and Peters Professional® Peat-Lite Flowering Crop Special now contain black Iron.  Black Iron is our new Iron HBED chelate. We call it black Iron because the solution looks black when mixed in the stock tank. These formulations also provide elevated levels of Magnesium to balance the high Calcium levels in harder water.

HBED chelated Iron has been recently approved for use by the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials for registeration in the United States of America.  Seeing that we were already running trials for the last season, it did not take us long to submit these two formulations for state approval and be prepared to offer them to you!

Chelated Iron

The graph above shows Fe HBED is available to the plant over the widest range of pH.

Black Iron is what we call Iron HBED chelate. 

  • When Iron HBED is added to Peters Professional® water soluble products the color of the mixture turns black.
  • Chelates are molecular structures that protect the nutrient and keep it in a plant available form.
  • Iron HBED is the strongest chelate in horticulture, stronger than anything else!